Today, our spotlight on women-owned businesses shines on Debi Rose Mastrangelo-Burrows, owner of Penguin Suits. Debi shared the following about her entrepreneur journey…I came from a family who ran small businesses. They did their services and products for their businesses great, but they did not market themselves well. Debi’s passion for marketing started at the age of 9, when she wrote her first press release for her father’s businesses. My passion for developing specialized messages and marketing tools that give excellent ROI and lead generation for small to medium businesses.
Penguin Suits is a marketing company for small businesses, which gives them a chance to have the same tools and attention and creativity their companies need to grow. When asked how Debi came up with the name Penguin Suits, she replied, “When I moved to Texas, I had my 1 year old son with me. I could not find any cool clothes for boys. So I started painting and took him to a local moms group and everyone wanted their own design. I liked penguins and so he had a onesie of a penguin suit.
I bought my domain in 1992 and built my first website in cold fusion and sold clothes as far as Germany.” Debi is a professor who teaches marketing and marketing plans for small business owners at The Alamo Colleges District. According to Debi, “They need to know how to create a plan for growth in order to flourish.”
Debi has been a long time supporter of our organization since 2014 and strongly believes in our mission. Debi has served as a gala committee chair twice, has sponsored our VIP night and Taste of Success Night events and is currently serving on our 2020 Taste of Success Committee.
Live From The Southside has partnered up with Dress for Success San Antonio to spotlight and celebrate local San Antonio businesswomen and invite you to discover her story- her journey to success.
Dress for Success® San Antonio empowers women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.