Melissa Torres is a native Southsider and lifestyle blogger with an emphasis on all things plus size. Her goal is promote body positivity and self-love. Melissa is our community reporter and will be interviewing some of our Southside communtiy leaders. Social Media: Blog: Facebook: @officialmelissatorres. Instagram: @lissaluvme.
For over a decade, lifestyle expert Adeina Anderson has been a nationally trusted source of information on creating easy and fun home décor projects, holiday crafts, tips on party planning ideas, the best places to travel with kids and pets, easy recipes, and DIY projects for millions of television viewers and newspaper, magazine and web readers. Adeina is the resident lifestyle expert for many Lifestyle Talk Shows around the country for NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX and she has been featured nationally on The Live Well Network and represents some of America’s most trusted companies. Website:

Estefania Serna is the Area Director and 4-year trainer with Camp Gladiator. Camp Gladiator aims to positively impact the physical fitness and lives of as many people as possible, and has already impacted many individuals on the Southside, and created an amazing community. Estefania will be sharing movements and exercises with our readers, helping us understand the importance of a total body workout.
Social Media: WebsiteL Facebook: @CampGladiator. Instagram: @CampGladiator. Twitter: @CampGladiator.
Krys Marie is the founder of San Antonio Lady Riders, a women’s cycling group here in SATX. SALR offers safe riding for female riders of all levels, from beginners to advanced riders. They host organized rides with ride leads and marshals throughout the week, as well as pop-up rides. Krys will be highlighting our city and community, as well as sharing upcoming events and member achievements. Social Media: Facebook: @SanAntonioLadyRiders. Instagram: @sanantonio_ladyriders.
Sandy Brooke Martinez is a Life Coach with years of successful experience helping to level up the women entrepreneurs she partners with. Sandy Brooke is also a Self-Care and Beauty Educator specializing in aloe based skin care, body care, hair care, and makeup. While living a daily inspired life with her son Sebastian and her furbaby Emma, she is focused on her clients experiencing better living for contentment and prosperity. A strong believer in the power of positive thinking, Sandy Brooke helps her clients to discover true personal values and to match the inner and outer lifestyle to ultimately lead happier lives. In her free time, Sandy Brooke enjoys dancing, walks in nature, riding, and plenty of family time activities.
Social Media: Websites: & Facebook, Instagram, & Pinterest: @SandyBrookeBeautyEducator: Twitter: @TheSandyBrooke. TikTok: @TheSandyBrooke. Pinterest: @SandyBrooke_USA
Amber Wood Davila is the star behind Alpha Whisky Public Relations, helping businesses develop their public relations, social media, and community relations. Formerly serving in the US Army, she acted as Public Affairs Officer with ceremonial photography and journalism duties which have been published in several digital magazines and local newspapers, including National Geographic. Amber attributes her auspiciousness to her military training, her passion for her talent, and her remarkable support system of family and fellow women veterans and entrepreneurs. Social Media: Website: Facebook: @alphawhiskeypr. Instagram: @alphawhiskeypr.
The San Antonio River Foundation is the nonprofit partner to the San Antonio River Authority. Established to provide amenities and enhancements along the San Antonio River and its tributaries not funded by public monies, the Foundation invests in and manages public projects that provide opportunities for residents and tourists alike to enjoy the river’s natural beauty, immerse themselves in its history and become thoughtful stewards of its future. Social Media: Website: Facebook: @sariverfoundation. Instagram: @sariverfoundation.
Chris Feliciano, the owner of The Dating Doc, is a seasoned dating professional that helps singles navigate the online world of Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, and popular dating apps and so much more. The Dating Doc specializes in combining counseling, life coaching, business strategy, and a safe environment for singles to improve their dating life. The company implements Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and other methods to help singles heal from past pain and become a more aware and efficient dater. Chris is excited to team up with Live from the Southside as our resident dating and relationship content contributor. Social Media: Website: Facebook: @thedatingdocblog. Instagram: @thedatingdoc. Twitter: @deardatedoc. Youtube: @thedatingdoc. Podcast: @thedatingdoc.
Janie Villarreal McClinchie is the face of Que Retro Arts, and the brains behind local art events such as Frida Fest, The Concha Throw-down, and Dia De Los Muertos. Janie is joining Live from the Southside to introduce our readers to San Antonio Art Scene and upcoming events and exhibitions. Social Media: Website: Facebook: @queretroarts. Instagram: @que_retro_arts. Twitter: @fest_frida.
River Aid began as a casual conversation between volunteers at Gardopia Gardens about a consistent trash pick-up, and an effort to make the biggest difference with a small group of weekend warriors. Aside from River Aid’s volunteer events, the organization hopes to raise awareness of the trash epidemic plaguing our waterways and our city. Social Media: Facebook: @riveraidSA. Instagram: @theriveraid_sa.
Hello my name is Norman Velez and I’m the owner/operator of Brooster’s Backyard Icehouse. I’ve lived on the Southside all my life and truly love my people. Most my career I’ve either worked on the Northside or other cities. I’m excited to invest here on the Southside and apply my 20 years of knowledge towards a venue the Southside can be proud of.” Social Media: Facebook- Brooster’s Backyard Icehouse and Norman Velez , Instagram- Brooster’s Backyard Icehouse, LinkedIn- Norman Velez
It is the mission, duty and purpose of The Pink Berets to address, educate, coordinate, and provide aid and relief to active duty women of the United States Armed Forces and Veterans seeking assistance with invisible injuries such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Military Sexual Trauma and Combat Trauma Stress on a local and national level. Our goals and commitment are based solely upon helping women who have been afflicted with the devastating effects of PTSD, MST and CTS and address their symptoms before it progresses to homelessness, unemployment, and suicide. If left unaddressed it can have a significant impact on their lives and their families. Social Media: Facebook,